
Contact me today to learn how to bring these workshops to your space. In addition to these workshops, I can lead your group in guided meditation. 

Any of these workshops can be customized for your group! 


Developing Your Intuition


In this workshop, I guide you into tapping into your own gifts of intuition to deepen your relationship with yourself. 


How to have and hold healthy boundaries

Here, we will begin to understand what a boundary is, and what it feels like when one of your boundaries has been crossed. We will do exercises on holding your center and protecting yourself. 

Walking Through the Chakra System

In this workshop, we will explore each of the seven power centers in your body, their function and what happens to your system if they are blocked. I will do a guided meditation to align the chakras. 


Holding your Emotional Center in a Chaotic WOrld

Here, we will learn what happens to the system when you take in the chaotic energy around you. We will do exercises and a guided meditation on holding your center. 

Developing & Deepening your Connection to your own Heart

Here, we will learn how important it is to quiet the mind and listen to the heart. We will get to know ourselves on a deeper level from this place, and do a meditation to connect more fully with the heart. 


Intuitive Mentoring to deepen your Own intuitive skills

This builds on the Developing Your Intuition workshop to provide personal guidance in developing your intuition. 

To learn more about these workshops and make arrangements, schedule a call with me today!